Monday, August 30, 2010

Mong Kok

On Sunday I went to Mong Kok with Anna, another exchange student from HWS. Neither of us had been but so many other international students had and highly recommended it.

We spent a good portion of the afternoon in Mong Kok, just roaming the streets, looking at the vendors and shopping. First of all- it was so crowded- I felt like I was in Times Square; I think it was because we went on a Sunday. The MTR was packed, you could barely move.

We roamed through the famous Ladies’ Market, where there are lots of little vendors selling anything and everything from clothes to purses to jewelry to electronics. The skill of bargaining is necessary here.

We found a little restaurant and bakery to go to for lunch- where I had beef and pineapple over rice. We had ordered a thing of spring rolls to split but they never came.

We continued to meander around the area, coming across a variety of shops and hourly hotels. We also found this playing field where some kids/teenagers were playing soccer.

Mong Kok was a great place to spend the afternoon and I’m interested in going back, but probably not on a Sunday. 

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