Friday, August 20, 2010


After 24hrs+ of travel I have finally arrived in Hong Kong! And it was definitely worth the trip.

The 16-hour plane ride wasn't too bad- I barely slept because the chair was uncomfortable, so I kept busy by watching the personal TV on the chair in front of me.  I watched multiple movies, and numerous episodes of TV shows. When I arrived in HK I met up with 3 other kids from Roger Williams and waited with them until our bus from Lingnan arrived. There were about 30 kids or so heading to Lingnan- from all parts of the U.S., to mainland China, and various other parts of the world.

When we got to Lingnan, we were taken to our hostels; I am in Hostel F, which is part of the Northern Hostels. I also met my roommate, Yolie, who is from Kowloon, which is just a short train ride away. She doesn't move in until September though. A group of us were hungry so a few student buddies walked with us to a local mall- Fui Tai- where we got some sandwiches.
 Back at the hostel we were shown around- bathroom, laundry room, fridge and common area. The bathrooms have a keypad lock, and well, to say the least I struggled with it for the first 12hours and had to have sercurity come and open it twice. But I have since mastered it!

Thursday was filled with unpacking and shopping. I went back to Fui Tai to get some necessities as well as an adapter because mine broke and my computer died.  No luck on the adapter though so I am still computer-less. :-(

Today (Friday), was the Exchange student orientation. We were introduced to OMIP (Office of Mainland and International Programs) and did a scavenger hunt around Lingnan and Tuen Mun town center. It was very interesting as it was the first chance I've had to actually walk around Lingnan. And thanks to the scavenger hunt, I found this computer lab so I'm able to get online until I find a new adapter.

Tomorrow, I'm off to the Peak and Victoria Harbor!  {Stay tuned for pictures}

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