Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Peak and Victoria Harbor

Lingnan and OMIP have organized 3 days of optional tours to give students a chance to explore some popular areas of Hong Kong. This past Saturday was the first day and I attended the Peak and Victoria Harbor cruise tour.

When I visited Hong Kong in 2006 with P2P we arrived just after a typhoon so the it was very foggy and overcast, providing a poor view from the Peak. For our tour, we were all hoping for a beautiful day and we certainly lucked out with the weather.

We took the tram from the Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus to the Peak Tower.

Up at the Peak Tower I walked around with a few people and took in the view. A group of us walked up a nearby hill in hopes of getting a different view.

We walked around the shopping area at the top and a group of little boys came up to us and wanted to ask us a few questions to practice their English (I think they were part of some club or Boy Scouts type of thing). They were interested in our impressions of Hong Kong, why we were here and such.

We then took a bus down to the Harbor where we went on a boat cruise along Victoria Harbor. It was a great chance to see the skyscrapers and mountains among Hong Kong.

I want to see both the view from the Peak and Victoria Harbor at night. Every night along Victoria Harbor there is a light show and that is definitely on my to-see/do list. 


  1. I love your picture with the boy :) You're not going to be able to get rid of the peace sign when you come home... hahaa, I still take pictures like that

  2. I am loving the pictures....keep it up. Looks like a beautiful city. Miss you.

    Love, Mom

  3. really bridges the far and yet not so. You sound great and it looks like a wonderful place...quite an adventure for you..xxoo AT

  4. cool pictures, Sara! especially the one with that kid, adorable!
