Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Herons in Hong Kong!

Tuesday, I was able to spend time with a fellow Heron, Kirsten or “Coop.” Coop had to stop in HK on her way to China to get her visa and since she had a few days to spend, she spent one with me!

I made my way to her hotel in Wan Chai around noon as we planned to meet for lunch. After roaming around her neighborhood we found this little restaurant and decided to eat. I got rice with some sort of chicken. I should know by now not to order chicken because it still has bones in it, but I ordered it and made a fool out of myself trying to eat around the bone. We chatted about our summers, NCAAs, life, her plans for her year in China teaching English and more.

We proceeded to walk around Wan Chai and Admiratly (2 MTR stops) for about 2 hours. Coop saw an advertisement for a flower show in the convention center earlier and we tried to go to that but couldn’t find it/it wasn’t going on. At this point we were both exhausted so we went back to her hotel room and watched Juno/slept.

Later that evening we went to Mong Kok to meet some of Coop’s friends who were exchange students at HWS a few years ago. Su and Christie took us to a Rice Noodle place where you ordered this big bowl of rice noodles and could put a variety of things in it- mine came with beef, scallions and bean sprouts.

Su, Coop, myself and Christie in Langham Place

We roamed around Mong Kok for a little while- Su and Christie showed us Langham Place- a shopping center- with these huge escalators. Then we found a cd/dvd store where they introduced me to lots of Chinese/Korean/Japanese music.

It was a great day to spend with old friends and new ones. Classes started today- and well you’ll just have to wait for that blog post. J

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