Monday, September 20, 2010

Festival Walk

Last weekend (I am so behind on updating) I went to Festival Walk with a few friends. It was a rainy day and as an indoor mall, Festival Walk gave us something to do while still experiencing the culture of Hong Kong.

The mall was huge. It was connected to the MTR station- there are actually a lot of MTR stops with malls connected- so we didn’t even have to walk outside. There were about 6-8 floors and hundreds of high-end stores and various eating establishments. When we arrived, we briefly walked around the mall, checking out some stores and places to eat. We came across an ice-skating rink- yes, an ice skating rink in the mall- with hundred of little Chinese kids learning to skate and taking lessons. It was amazing. We had planned on eating when we arrived and decided to eat in the food court and found seats just overlooking the ice skating rink.  For lunch I got a bowl of rice, chicken and egg. It was pretty good.

We meandered around the mall for a while. I was looking for an agenda book for school but could only find 2011 ones. We walked into a few of the higher-end stores, like Marc by Marc Jacobs, just to check out the prices.

{A note about prices- the majority of things here are cheaper than the U.S. Food is rather cheap, I've gotten meals for less than $3 U.S. but then again I've also splurged on some meals. Material goods are usually cheaper than in the U.S., but some things were more expensive, for example some of the 2011 agendas I found were more than $25USD, while in the U.S. the same one would be less than $15. The only things that I've found to be more expensive here than in the U.S. are things in the high-end stores- a few bags in Marc by Marc Jacobs were almost twice as much as they would be in the U.S.}

We found this huge department like store- they were selling everything- from food, to calendars, to umbrellas and sandals, to luggage and travel necessities, and jewelry. It was great to walk around and check everything out.

There was a grocery store that looked and smelled much nicer than the one by our school, so we checked it out before leaving. Wow. They had a great selection of American food at relatively cheap prices. It was nice walking around a store and seeing a lot of American brands. 

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