Saturday, September 25, 2010

Noah's Ark

Last weekend I went with a few other girls to Noah’s Ark. Lingnan offered a tour during the first few weekends but we had all opted to visit the Big Buddha but were still interested in Noah’s Ark so we decided to make the trip for ourselves.

A little background on Noah’s Ark according to a brochure I got, “The world’s only full-size replica of Noah’s Ark on the Ma Wan waterfront overlooks the magnificent Tsing Ma Bridge and features a series of life-sized sculptures of exotic animals. Noah’s Ark is a new tourist attraction in Hong Kong, and it’s central theme of love of life, family, the Earth, and positive values makes it a wonderful destination for a family tour.”

Anna S., Anna G., Alexa and I outside the entrance

In my words, it was basically a huge plastic ark on the waterfront with huge plastic animals outside and a museum inside. It was geared towards families and little children, but still provided some good information. When we purchased our tickets there were so many different options to choose from, prices ranging from $60-100+HKD and allowing access to different parts of the park. We picked the $90HK with access to the garden (where the animals where) and the inside of the ark.

The inside of the ark was, like I said, a museum, providing all types of information and interactive activities educating visitors about current day arks as well as Noah’s Ark. For example, the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located on the Norwegian island, Spitsbergen; the ‘seed ark’ contains every type of seed in the world and was made in 2006 incase of a world disaster. {And inside, we weren't allowed to take pictures. :-( }

We were also able to see two different short films inside the ark; one was about Noah’s Ark and the second was about arks in the future/saving the world. I knew I was in Asia during the first movie because it depicted the story of Noah and well Noah and the rest of the characters were all Asian. It was interesting to see and hear the same story I’ve been told from an Asian perspective/with Asian characters. The second movie was more of a “Save the Earth” movie as it focused on why we would need to prepare another ark in the future or what kinds of natural disasters could occur if we don’t protect the environment. Both movies were in 3D so it added some extra interesting effects.

Outside the ark there was a path with plastic animals, all in pairs, lined up, getting ready to go into the ark. There were a variety of animals, so I had and hadn’t seen before and they provided some good photo ops.

Once we were finished with Noah’s Ark, we decided to go into Central/SoHo for dinner. We found a small little Mexican place where we all feasted on nachos and quesadillas. Ahh, the little reminders of home. J

Something we came across when leaving Noah's Ark

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