Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Farewell Reception and the Weather

Last Monday night, OMIP hosted a Farwell Reception for all Inbound Exchange students. It provided a good opportunity to see a lot of the local and other international students once more before going our separate ways (even though I still have two weeks left). I am surprised at how many international students I don’t see. The first few weeks, I saw these kids multiple times a day, and now I’m lucky if I see them once every two weeks. School makes our lives so complicated.

A few students shared pictures and videos as well as speeches about their time here at Lingnan. It was great to hear other students’ experiences.

Lex, Kat and I at the Farewell Reception

In addition, OMIP does this cool thing called “Gold Books.” Each school it has a partnership with has a book and exchange students are encouraged to share their experiences and comments in the book. So Anna, Tim and I all shared our experiences and placed them in HWS’ Gold Book.

It’s been cooling down here, but by cooling down, I mean it’s still 70 degrees, but to the local students, and many internationals, it’s freezing. And okay, today it was around 60 and I was a little cold, but still, it’s NOTHING compared to winter in Geneva. So at the reception, I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and the Vice President of Academic Affairs (?) comes over and starts talking with us. He was taken aback by the fact that I was in shorts still, and asked where I was from. “Boston” I replied. He just laughed.

Just today (Wednesday, December 8) I have seen so many winter coats. It’s ridiculous. I seriously wonder what the exchange students think when they come to HWS. 

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