Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Jade Market

Today I went to the Jade Market with Lex and Kat. Lex wanted to get some shopping done and I wanted to look around to get some gift ideas. The Jade Market was simple but really cool. It was basically two building with little booths inside all displaying jade- from bracelets to earrings and necklaces, to pendants, Buddha statues and dragons- the market had some many things to choose from.

Most of the booths were selling the same things and we finally settled on this little old lady’s booth. She was adorable. She was so happy to be selling her goods and I think she like the 3 of us because we were all so interested in the jewelry she had. Lex was bargaining on a price for something and the lady was slowly giving in, but it wasn’t until Lex pulled out her Lingnan student ID card that she gave in. At one point during our interaction with her, she noticed how tall I was and was all like "Oh My!! You're so tallllll! WOW!" It was hysterical.
Lex and the lady bargaining. 
 At another booth, we were bargaining with Lex for something she wanted and the guy wouldn’t give in. We finally had to say we were sisters buying something for our parents for the guy to give in. It was hysterical.
The market was so colorful and quiet. I really enjoyed being able to walk around without dodging a million and one people. 

This picture above is a favorite of mine 

I didn’t do anything yesterday because I was busy trying to get ahead in my school work since I am off to Vietnam tomorrow for a week!! I’m heading to Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi (each for 4 days) with Anna G. and Kat. And I’m meeting up with Tess, a fellow rower, in Hanoi! I can’t wait!


  1. Cool post! I stole 2 pictures from you to put in my blog, hahaha, didn't think you mind :) Have a blast in Vietnam, I'll miss you & can't wait to hear stories when you guys are back!!!

  2. The Jade Market...anything like The Jade Palace....remember that place? Anyway, have a wonderful safe...
