Friday, November 5, 2010

International Day

 Last week was Lingnan and OMIP’s famous “International Day” where international students are able to share their culture with the local students and school. The international students were able to share different types of food along with pictures and various performances with the student body. The Wing On Plaza (kind of like Lingnan’s cement ‘quad-like’ area) was packed with booths, chairs and people celebrating the day. 

I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to attend because I had classes scheduled during the celebration, as it went from 5-7pm and I’m in class on Wednesday from 3:30-8:30 so I didn’t help with the preparations. But I got out of my first class a little earlier and then got caught up in helping the American booth serving food. The American booth served sloppy Joes, coleslaw and some cake. We ran out before the celebration was over but those who were able to grab some of the food seemed to enjoy it, so that was good. 

I was able to walk around and visit a few other booths- The French kids made crepes, the Swiss kids made cheese fondue, the Germans served beer, and I forget what the Koreans made but they also quickly ran out. 

A girl from America and another guy did a swing dance performance, some students from Bangladesh performance a native dance, and the Korean students mixed different ‘K-Pop’ (Korean-pop) songs and  choreographed a great dance. 

It was a great night filled with international cuisine, performances and people!

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