Saturday, November 27, 2010

Halong Bay

Sunday morning, we were off for a 2 day/1 night tour of Halong Bay, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Located 3 hours outside of Hanoi, we spent our days exploring the waters and a cave, kayaking, swimming, playing cards and relaxing in the sun. (It reminded me of Antarctica so much. Swap the cold and white for blue/green and sun and you have Halong Bay)
I'm going to let my pictures do the talking...

Our boat

Black and White

We explored a cave

Not a great picture, but it's the only one I have of us jumping off the boat into the water.

We got back to Hanoi late Monday afternoon. We grabbed a quick dinner and then met Tess for ice cream before heading to the airport. We left for Ho Chi Minh around 10pm and got there around midnight, slept in the airport and then left HCMC around 7am and arrived back in HK around 10. It was a long day, but worth it. :-)

We even found comfy massage chairs in the airport to sleep in!

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