Tuesday, October 5, 2010

21st Celebrations

Friday, October 1st, 2010 marked my 21st birthday. Now in the United States, this is a big deal, but here in Hong Kong, well not so much. But I still celebrated as if I was in the States. :-P

We decided to head out to Lan Kwai Fong (a section of HK with bars that tourists go to) on Thursday night because it was ‘Ladies Night’ and ladies get free drinks at certain bars for a few hours.

At midnight, I celebrated with a bottle of champagne, purchased at the classy establishment of 7-11 (yes, 7-11 sells alcohol here). We hit up a few other bars throughout the night- danced and celebrated. J  


Friday, my actual birthday, was National Day, thus a public holiday so there were no classes! The city actually put off fireworks along Victoria Harbor at night though. I went down to the harbor with a few friends to watch the 23 minute show- it was broken up into 5 different acts but I couldn’t really tell the difference between the acts. And for dinner, we found an Outback!              



  1. Everything about this sounds perfect! <3

  2. It's so cool that you make this page your own! I like the way you did it!!
