Tuesday, October 26, 2010

For Your Information: The MTR

So I've come to realize that I frequently mention the MTR, and by now you probably now that the MTR is Hong Kong's subway system, you probably have no idea where I am talking about. So I decided to give you a quick blog post while I'm waiting for a class to being.

Hong Kong:
(Source: http://www.ely.anglican.org/education/schools/collective_worship/HongKong.html )

Okay, so Lingnan is located in the New Territories, in Tuen Mun (in the middle left hand side). Lantau Island is where the airport is (as well as the Big Buddha). Hong Kong Island is where Central HK is located. Lamma Island, between Lantau and Hong Kong Island is where I was last (?) weekend. And Kowloon is another part- that's actually where my roommate is from!

The MTR:

(Source: http://www.wenster.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/5731328243.jpg)
 Sorry if the picture is huge, I just wanted to make sure you could see it.

So Lingnan is at the Siu Hong Station, on the West Rail Line. It's on the left-hand side of the map, again, towards the middle. It's the second to last stop on this line. The little yellow lines around the purple/West Rail Line illustrates the Light Rail line, which is a smaller line that goes further out into the New Territories.
To get into Central, I'd get on at Siu Hong, then transfer at Nam Cheong(Orange Line) and take that to Hong Kong. Hong Kong Stations and Central are actually connected so you're able to walk from one station to the other without going outside- it's actually very nice and convenient.

I know I've mentioned Mongkok, the shopping area/Ladies' Market, a few times, and that is located right in the middle of the map, off the Red Line.

You can take the MTR to the airport, on Lantau Island. It's easy to do it you just have carry-on bags, but there is no way I am doing that in December. Haha.

To view the light show/Avenue of the Stars you'd go to East Tsim Sha Tsui (which is on Kowloon-- the buildings on Hong Kong Island light up, so it's best to view the show from across the harbor)

I haven't had a chance to visit many of the stops on the right hand side of the MTR, but that is on my Hong Kong To Do/See List, so have no fear!

And sorry if this is a pointless post, I just figured/knew my mother would at least like this information, even so late.

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